I read in the Inquirer a few days ago yet another story on the melamine menace inflicted upon us by evil businessmen from China. This is about the whole Sunflower cracker boo-boo. Initially they said it was found to have the now dreaded "M" in it's ingredients. This was later found to be suddenly safe (i wonder how much money exchanged for that to happen), and here is where i would like to point out the kicker....... Apparently, the tests showed that the melamine content in the Sunflower crackers was below the maximum allowed content according to the BFAD..............wait a fuc*ing minute....SO THEY KNOW it's there and they are allowing it? For how long now, i wonder?
That would also mean that LOCAL businessmen, the greedy and evil kind, are knowingly poisoning people for financial gain. That just sucks. Period. I personally haven't been eating Sunflower crackers for over a decade now, but now that this is out, i'm never touching their company's products from now on, and that goes the same for my family.
Be wise, people. Now is the time for vigilance. For the sake of profit, you don't know what these food manufacturers are putting in our food.
Be vigilant. The food that we enjoyed when we were young may not be good anymore.
Stay healthy. Think healthy. Be picky in what you eat and try to go for natural and organic stuff. You might be feeding your kids with toxic substances. Do a bit of research from now on on the food that you eat, especially that which you prepare for your kids.
Another problem that's surfacing is the added contamination in eggs and other food sources. Apparently these evil Chinese businessmen have gone to mixing the melamine in feeds. So now it's being consumed by chicken and possibly even pork and even beef, i guess. Hmmm.....chicken, pork, beef.....these are what we consume on a regular basis, correct? OMG. This is getting a bit out of hand. Even if they say that the amounts are minimal, we are still putting the melamine in our bodies clogging your liver and kidneys and who knows what else?
We should all go cold turkey for a while. Let all the stocks be left unsold and rot. It should not be in the feeds. It should not be eaten by the animals that we eat, for crying out loud! That's just sick. Really sick.
Melamine should be IN THE PLATES that we eat off of, yes, as in Melawares (the plastic plates sold in malls... Melaware is a brand, for those who do not know), NOT IN THE FOOD that we eat. Sheesh!!!
---my canned thoughts