
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

About the DJ Montano Blog

From what i read lately, Embassy is now under surveilance or something. This is related to the supposed drug activities going on inside. It doesn't really matter what is going there as long as the illegal activities there stop.

It's hard enough having to deal with your kids getting wasted from alcohol, but it's more burdensome to have to worry about them getting into drugs too.

THAT should stop. There are a lot of info already given about drugs going on in that place, that if it were true then catch them all and punish them. What is the the USA???

Let them worry about the decay of morals there but at least leave the values that we hold dear here. The addicts will most likely disagree with me, but that will just bring our society down.

Stop the moral decay. Stop those guys from selling drugs there, if it is true.

---my canned thoughts